autonomy stage
Congratulations, you have worked hard to understand your identity, racism, and systemic opperssion. You are prepared to fight for a better future, and recoginize that your personal work is not over.
To Do:
Answer the following questions honestly and reflectively. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, just opportunities for further growth (including the art of self-care!):1
Does your solidarity last longer than a news cycle?
Does your solidarity make you lose sleep at night?
Does your solidarity put you in danger?
Does your solidarity cost you relationships?
Does your solidarity take away time from other things you could be doing?
Does your solidarity change the way you spend your money?
Does your solidarity make you a disruptive presence in white spaces?
Does your solidarity challenge your country’s values?
Does your solidarity make you think you’re not racist?
Does your solidarity change how you read your Bible?
Does your solidarity change how you preach?
Does your solidarity happen when no one is looking?
Does your solidarity ever cause you to speak out when no one wants to listen?
Does your solidarity ever cause you to shut up when you want to say something?
Does your solidarity change the way you vote?
Does your solidarity cause you to denounce our current president?
Does your solidarity include cis-het Black women?
Does your solidarity include Black queer and trans folks?
Does your solidarity make you suspicious of predominantly white institutions?
Does your solidarity cause you to believe in costly reparations?
Does your solidarity assuage your white guilt?
Does your solidarity have room for Black rage?
What to Do Next:
Continue the work - both on yourself and on the world around you. Lean into the difficult conversations, and support people in their journey to becoming anti-racist.
1. Questions written by Nii Addo Abrahams, M.A., M. Div. / Twitter & Instagram @_nickyflash_